Boulware Medical Clinic
Internists & Primary Care Physicians located in Liberty, MO Now providing Telehealth appointments
Now Accepting Credit Care!
Dr. William T. Boulware and Dr. Robert J. Boulware serve as primary care doctors at Boulware Medical Clinic, where they offer comprehensive services to residents in the region of Liberty, Missouri. Their practice is dedicated to serving the healthcare needs of patients from their early years through adulthood. With a goal of establishing long-term relationships, they value taking time to talk with each person and teach them about their health conditions. Every patient is a respected member of the health care team.
The doctors focus on preventive care by offering wellness visits, as well as routine physical examinations, immunizations, sports physicals, employment physicals, and school physicals. While the doctors treat all health conditions, a sample of the services they provide includes:
- Thyroid disease
- Male hormone deficiency
- Arthritis (including joint injections)
- Diagnosis and removal of skin lesions
- Screening for sexually transmitted diseases
- Management of chronic diseases such as diabetes, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure
In addition to maintaining optimal physical health, patients can restore their appearance and fight the signs of aging with Botox® injections administered by Mary Dugan, Family Nurse Practitioner. You can rely on her experience administering Botox for optimal treatment of moderate to severe facial wrinkles.
Joint Injectionsmore info
Annual Physical Examsmore info
Anxiety and Depressionmore info
STD Screeningsmore info
Diabetes Managementmore info
Sleep Apneamore info
Thyroid Diseasemore info
Vaccinesmore info
Weight Loss Managementmore info
Hyperlipidemiamore info
Wellness Visitmore info
Male Hormone Deficiencymore info
Skin Lesion Removalsmore info
Hyalgan Injections for Kneesmore info
Hypertension Managementmore info
Flu Shotmore info
Choose Your Provider
Major Insurance Plans Accepted
At Boulware Medical Clinic, we accept most major insurance plans. Here is a short-list of just some of the most popular plans we accept. Please contact our office if you do not see your insurance provider listed here.
1131 West Kansas Street
Liberty, MO 64068
Phone: 816-551-2405
Fax: (816) 792-5141
Office Hours